Qt Connect Signal Parent Slot

Aug 11, 2010  One key and distinctive feature of Qt framework is the use of signals and slots to connect widgets and related actions. But as powerful the feature is, it may look compelling to a lot of developers not used to such a model, and it may take some time at the beginning to get used to understand how to use signals and slots properly.

See below for answer
The QT widget contains a QGLWidget as in

Please try to accommodate types as I cannot copy paste to here. The Qt widget works fine and I can display data in the GL widget.
When some things in the GL widget change it is to notify the parent so a display can be updated. That GL widget looks like:

The best I can get is no compiler errors but a run time message:

No such slot QWidget::rcv_time_changed()

What code can be written such that a subordinate or enclosed widget can emit a signal to its enclosing widget?
I have also tried passing “this” to the subordinate, saving it as “sent_pointer” then directly calling a function with

That solicits the compile error:

Qt Signal Slot Example

Invalid use of incomplete type ‘class C_Strip_Chart’

Qt Connect Class Slots To Designer Signals

Qt Connect Signal Parent Slot

Qt Connect Signal To Slot

For some reason, head-up-the-buttitis, I don't know, I concluded that signals and slots should be connected from the SIGNAL perspective, the sender. I finally tried doing the connect from the SLOT perspective and it worked right away. Now to delete all those multiple variations that are cluttering up my code. :-)